The Labor & Delivery Story
I wanted to write down what happened in labor because otherwise I'm afraid I'll forget. I think I'm already starting to forget. Anyway, I started having contractions the morning of my induction at about 4. These were really only my second real contractions (I had had some for about an hour a few weeks before). I think my body was ready to have a baby. The nurses in L&D called me and told me that we could be there at 6:30. We arrived at the hospital pretty much right at 6:30 and they got me set up in a bed with a gown and the monitors strapped to my tummy. The nurse put an IV in and at about 8:00 she started me on pitocin. Not long after that my doctor came in and broke my water I think I was only about a 2 and a half at that point. After that I was having some good contractions and it didn't seem like I was dilating that quickly so I told the nurse I wanted an epidural. I figured I'd be in labor for quite a long time like I was with Alyssa and I didn't think I could endure the pain for that long. She said I had to wait until I was a 4. She checked me a while later and I was a 4 so she called in the anesthesiologist and I got my epidural. The nurse said the doctor was really good at giving epidurals and it should only take 2 or 3 minutes, but she took 10 to do mine. They had Jesse leave the room and I sat up. I couldn't see what she was doing, but it didn't feel very good and I kept having contractions which didn't help anything. Apparently she expected my cavity to be small because I'm a smaller person, but it was a lot deeper than she expected and so she spent a lot of time digging around in my back. I'm sure I'm not explaining that correctly, but hopefully you get the gist. About 45 minutes later the nurse checked me and I was an 8. I was like 'what' that was fast. Then a half hour after that I was ready to push. If I had known I only had a little over an hour left of labor, I'm not sure if I would have gotten the epidural. I only had to push through two contractions and she was here. And here she is below just after birth.
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