On my due date
Caden Allen May was born on June 24th at 12:24 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and was 20 inches long. The story: I started having contractions on the 22nd after I had gone in for my appt and the dr stripped my membranes. They were mildly painful that night, enough so that I didn't sleep that great. They kept coming on Thursday while I did some grocery shopping. My doctor wanted me to go in when my contractions were 3-5 min apart for 2 hrs. While I was making dinner they started coming every 5 min, so I had my parents come get the girls and had Jesse leave work. They were about 5 min apart from 4:30 to 6:30, but then they slowed down a bit and were less consistent so we didn't go to the hospital. At about 11 it was either head to the hospital or go to bed, so I decided we should go to the hospital just to be safe. When we got there (11:20) I asked the nurse what I needed to be dilated to for me to stay, she kinda laughed and said we'll see what your dr says. She asked me what I was planning on doing for pain and I told her I was planning on an epidural. Then she checked me and I was dilated to an 8! I wasn't getting my epidural, which was a little frightening since I hadn't really prepared for natural child birth. The nurse immediately moved me to the labor and delivery room. I was having pretty hard contractions at this point. By the time we got all the questions answered my dr came in to break my water. I was almost a 10 at that point, so as soon as my water was broken it was time to push. He came out with the cord wrapped around his neck and he also had a knot in his cord. It was quite the whirlwind of an hour. Recovery has been great and I'm thinking natural child birth is the way to go, but next time I would be better prepared. I'm not sure if it would go as smoothly if my water broke though.
Weighing in
Big sis!
Our family of 5
Going home. We left Saturday afternoon.
On Sunday before church.
Adjusting to 3 kids has been pretty good so far. Hopefully it continues that way!